David Dequech Versão em português

David Dequech

Area Panel - Economics, Business and Public Administration

David Dequech holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Cambridge University (1998). He currently is full professor of economics at the University of Campinas, São Paulo. He was a visiting scholar at Stanford University (2011-2012, with a FAPESP fellowship), at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (2009-2010 and 2010-2011, for three months each time, with a Humboldt Foundation fellowship) and at the University of Paris 10 and Cepremap (2003-2004, with a CAPES fellowship).

He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Association for Evolutionary Economics (2005-2008) and a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2009-2012, as associate editor) and the Journal of Economic Issues (2004-2006). He is associate editor of the journal EconomiA (of the National Association of Graduate Schools of Economics, in Brazil) and is on the editorial board of the Review of Social Economics, Estudos Econômicos and the Forum for Social Economics.

Most of his research has been on two interrelated set of issues: (1) the relations between institutions, on the one hand, and the behavior and the thought of economic agents, on the other; and (2) the importance and ubiquity of institutions in economic life. He has also worked on (3) the theory of economic behavior under uncertainty, which partly overlaps with the two other sets of issues.

Page updated on 10/19/2015 - Published on 08/20/2015