
Call with European Union selects proposals in Materials Science and Engineering Versão em português

Call with European Union selects proposals in Materials Science and Engineering Image: Opt Lasers/Unsplash

FAPESP will support research projects together with M-ERA.NET, an EU-funded network.

FAPESP announces the 2024 edition of the call for proposals with M-ERA.NET, a European Union network that supports research in Materials Science and Engineering. This is the tenth opportunity for collaborative research launched by FAPESP and M-ERA.NET since they signed a scientific cooperation agreement in 2015.

The M-ERA.NET consortium funds transnational and high-risk research and development projects.

This new call for proposals aims to fund ambitious transnational research projects addressing materials research and innovation, including materials for batteries and low-carbon energy technologies.

The themes for this call are: “Sustainable advanced materials for energy”, “Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces”, “High performance composites”, “Functional materials”, “Materials addressing environmental challenges”, and “Next-generation materials for advanced electronics”.

Submissions to FAPESP must follow the rules and guidelines of the Regular Research Grant scheme. FAPESP will support the selected projects with a maximum of R$ 150,000 per proposal per year. The project duration must be from 24 to 36 months. Please see the call text for detailed description of the rules specific to this Call.

Each proposal must comprise a consortium with at least three co-PIs from at least three different countries participating in the call. Researchers affiliated to higher education or research institutions in the state of São Paulo are eligible to submit proposals to FAPESP.

The Call will receive pre-proposals until May 14th. The document must be sent both via the SAGe System by the Principal Investigator of the state of São Paulo, and via the M-ERA NET platform (available in the original call for proposals) by the coordinating researcher of the international consortium – who must be registered in the SAGe System at the time of submission. In case of acceptance, researchers will be invited to submit the full proposal by November 20.

The call with guidelines for São Paulo researchers is available (in Portuguese) at:

Photo from Opt Lasers at Unsplash