
Research about neglected infectious diseases will be funded Versão em português

Research about neglected infectious diseases will be funded FAPESP announce call for proposals with the Medical Research Council from UK, under the Newton Fund Programme and articulated by CONFAP (photo: MRC)

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) announces a call for research proposals in collaboration with the Medical Research Council (MRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and the Brazilian State Funding Agencies (FAPs) articulated by the National Council of State Funding Agencies (CONFAP). The UK participation happens under the UK Newton Fund Programme.

The call aims to support UK-Brazil research partnerships about “Neglected Infectious Diseases”.

The MRC will make up to £2m available for this scheme with ESRC contributing an additional £200k on the UK side to support high quality social science aspects of successful proposals. These funds will be made available to the UK collaborators by the Newton Fund.

The £2.2m made available by the UK funders will be matched with equivalent effort (not necessarily equivalent money, reflecting different costs for salaries and fellowships in Brazil and in the UK) from the Brazilian FAPs which will fund the Brazilian collaborators.

The agencies would expect to fund approximately 8-12 projects, each one with a duration of 36 months, in total. The size of the grants will vary according to the needs of each research project.

Proposals will be processed by FAPESP as Thematic Project Research Grants, which aims to support research proposals with bold scientific objectives with a research team coordinated by an experienced researcher in the field. Exceptionally for this call for proposals, the duration of proposals submitted to FAPESP will be for up to 36 months.

Proposals must be submitted to FAPESP by the electronic system SAGe until July 1st, 2015.

The call for proposals is available at:

Page updated on 05/11/2015 - Published on 05/11/2015