
DAAD Versão em português


The agreement comprises two programs:
I. Short-term exchange of German and Brazilian scientists
II. Short-term grants to fund research fellowships in Germany – available to recipients of FAPESP doctoral fellowships.

The exchange program promotes collaboration between scientists from the state of São Paulo and those working in Germany. To be eligible, scientists must be highly qualified in their field of research, as evidenced by their personal scientific production (number and quality of articles published in international journals). Invitations to such scientists are always issued by the host institutions.

The duration of the research fellowships must be at least one month and not more than three months. Living expenses will be covered by the host country in the form of a per diem. In the state of São Paulo, such funds will be allocated based on the monthly salary for a grade MS-6 (full professor) or grade MS-5 (associate professor) working full time at a public (state) university, agreementing to the FAPESP table. In Germany, the minimum monthly stipend is €1,990.

Joint petitioners should submit their proposals in both countries, using the appropriate forms supplied by the respective agencies. Each proposal will initially be analyzed by the agency in the country of its origin. Selected proposals will then be evaluated by a panel of FAPESP and DAAD representatives.

The short-term fellowship grants program is aimed at enabling doctoral students currently studying in the state of São Paulo to pursue research fellowships at universities, research institutes, laboratories or libraries in Germany, engaging in specific research relevant to their doctoral studies. Students will be considered eligible if they are enrolled in doctoral programs in the state of São Paulo and are recipients of FAPESP doctoral fellowships. Students who are chosen will not forfeit their fellowships. The duration of each fellowship grant is from two to six months.

In both programs, proposals will be evaluated in the order in which they are received. Petitions, together with all of the required documentation, should be submitted at least three months prior to the scheduled travel date.

First Amendment signed on November 16, 2023 - valid until November 20, 2028.

Cooperation agreement signed on November 2018 - valid for 5 years | Text in German

Call for proposals:

Research projects selected in joint calls with FAPESP

Page updated on 04/10/2024 - Published on 10/27/2009